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Windows Defender automatically installs a software update and installs the.appx file that needs to be run in order to be useable. The UWP app is not needed. However, Windows will raise a dialog in which one can accept the update or reactivate or ignore it.
If one has the UWP app installed and selects the 'Enable' button, the software install procedure is initiated and reaches its end. The system has been rebooted by now, so that the driver has been installed. The Appendix' (= 'Appendix 2') of the driver notes that the.appx is only needed for Windows 10 'Redstone 2' (RS2). A.appx bundle for the current Windows 10 version (RS1) is present in the driver package.
After installing Windows 10, the 'Appendix 1' of the driver packet notes that it is only needed for those with the 'Windows 10 Redstone 1' (RS1) operating system. A Windows App (i.e. the.appx bundle) is not required for the current Windows 10 version.
If the completion dialog is closed and Windows remains at a screen where the operating system is being synchronized, a message appears on the desktop. The message says that the synchronization is finished.
Windows will not launch the Waves MaxxAudio app (and show the OOBE windows). The system now waits for the Welcome window to load the player as a 'Supervised User'. This is a special account which can be activated by password. The waves player is installed by now. However, if the user has entered a wrong password, the software will not start without this password. The user now needs to enter a correct password to allow the WaveShell app to function.
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