Tomb Raider 2013 Steam Must Be Running To Play This Game _VERIFIED_
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The native steam version of the game uses fullscreen on some (but not all) operating systems. If you're having problems as mentioned above - just set the ExclusiveFullscreen option to 0. In the Steam version, this option only works when you launch it through the Steam launcher.
Please follow the installation guide. If you're still having issues, try starting through Steam and verifying that that works for you. If that does not work, we're sorry, but Steamworks and Steamworks specific issues are out of our hands.
If this doesn't work try these steps: DOSBox - check that the game runs. NVIDIA - check that the game runs in Windows. Windows - try this as an administrator: Other - try running in 10.8.4
You will probably find that there is conflicting code on the player’s computer that has loaded the game into memory. One way to see if this is the case is to load a specific point in the game and wait for the game to crash. This will likely bring a pop up telling you that “this dll is conflicting with an already loaded dll”. This can be seen in the following example and has resulted in the current version of the game not working on a number of computers.
If the game resolution is wrong when using a dual monitor setup and you cannot see the whole window edit ~/.frozenbyte/Trine2/options.txt and change the options ForceFullscreenWidth and ForceFullscreenHeight to the resolution of your monitor on which you want to play the game.
You need to manually edit the preferences file (found in ~/.local/share/feral-interactive/Tomb Raider/) and change the ExclusiveFullscreen option to 0. After this you should be able to successfully start the game (after which you may exit and revert that option to a 1 to restore fullscreen). d2c66b5586